Somewhere between yoga pants and heels?
Whether you're a mommy, working or both... this post is for you!
I absolutely fell in love with this Reader's Request question. It happens to all of us (myself included). We run to the grocery store or a dentist appointment in our beloved yoga pants... I know: They're fast and easy. But let's take a long hard look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves:
They look sloppy.
With the same effort it takes to put on a pair of yoga pants, why not slip into something comfortable and polished? I know what you're thinking: Not possible.
But I'm here to tell you that not only is it possible, but you probably already have all of these items in your closet.
Hmm... I see I've caught your attention!
Okay. I know you're a busy woman on the go so I'll cut the "chit chat" and get straight to it. Here are two incredibly easy looks to wear that are polished
and extremely comfortable.
Look 1 // Maxi Dress & Basic Knotted Tee
I love a good Maxi dress. They are comfortable and fun to twirl in...
Yes, I like twirl. So what?
But to simply wear a Maxi is a bit boring-- So, I decided to "give it a twist"
Okay, more like a knot!
I recently purchased a GIANT tote (mentioned in my
Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale post) and thought it would work perfectly with this post as a polished yet fully functional "baby bag." I packed all of my daughter's necessities in it and still have half a bag to spare!
The bronze metallic sandals, shown below, are not only incredibly comfortable but they also add the perfect amount of shimmer without going overboard. I accented my outfit with a statement bracelet to add a touch of bright color.
*BONUS* Talk about a conversation piece! I was stopped eight different times by women wanting to know where I had purchased my bracelet: success! :)
Shown Above:
Look 2 // Blouse Vs. T-Shirt
So it's 8:26 AM, you didn't hear your alarm and your little one has a check-up in a little over fifteen minutes! You grab a pair of fitted jeans from your closet and a T-Shirt from the drawer and--
Back away from the T-Shirt slowly... No funny business!
Why, oh why would you ever throw on a plain graphic tee, when you can literally make the same two movements and put on a something that will look a hundred times more put together?
A blouse effortlessly elevates an outfit without taking any more time.
Okay, you may return to your closet now to pick out a cute blouse.
That's better. Much better.
The top (shown below) is the epitome of femininity:
Sheer. Floral. Lace. Bright. Intricate.
(Photo Cred: B. Campbell)
Shown Above:
Top: Gibson (old, similar) //
Jeans: Pac Sun // Tote, Jewelry and Shoes can be found in the previous outfit's links.
Okay, if you've read this article and you're still not quite ready to throw your yoga pants into a raging fire part with your yoga pants...
Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, get these ones instead:
Yes, you are busy.
But you are foremost a woman.
You owe it to yourself not to forget that.
You should not feel guilty about taking time away for yourself. Perhaps, your thing isn't fashion or shopping-- but you need to take a few hours a week to do something just you, for you.
It doesn't take a million dollars. It doesn't take personal stylists or an ideal body.
It only takes a bit of planning.
To busy women and moms everywhere, I salute you.

A huge, "Thank You" to Jen L. for being the inspiration behind this Reader's Request blog post. If you would like the chance to have your idea or suggestion featured on my blog, follow me on Instagram @xoxorachelleblog or leave a comment below!